Write your book with God
Course curriculum
STEP 1: Prepare to write with God
Survey: Your book writing experience
Step 1: Nail your "excuses" to the cross!
Unit 1: Welcome to "Write your book with God!"
Unit 2 - Dreaming with God
Unit 3 - Receiving an illuminated word from the written Word of God ❤️
Unit 4 - WHAT is your message? Tell your story!
Unit 5 - Testimony Time
Unit 6 - Zoom in on your WHO - your reader(s)! ❤️❤️❤️
Unit 7 - Write a letter to your reader
Unit 8 - Room to write - find your "upper room" prepared for you ❤️ Desk-viewing day 👁👁 💌🖋
Unit 9 - Come into agreement with His truth!
Unit 10 - Set your deadline and your daily goal
Unit 11 - As you enter in...
Unit 12 - Outline your book with God!
Unit 13 - Invite them on a Hero's Journey
STEP 2 - Write with God
Day 1 - You are commissioned to get started! ✍️✍️✍️
Day 2 - Everything else can wait
Day 3 - "Wait for Me to make My appearance..." - then WRITE!
Day 4 - I am with you in the labor!
Day 5 - Receive GRACE heaped upon more grace!
Day 6 - Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me!
Day 7 - Challenge!!!
Day 8 - In ALL these things...
Day 9 - You are the hero of the story God has written with your life!
Day 10 - Remember and comfort My people
Day 11 - But then, one day...
Day 12 - Author Interview with Dr. Charity Virkler-Kayembe
Day 13 - A tale of a compassionate friend, companion or associate; a vision or view of beauty
Day 14 - Powerful Storytelling
Day 15 - Silence the "critical inner voice" - your "inner editor"
DAY 16 - Invitation to a "Rewritten Life" encounter with God
Day 17 - The voice of TRUTH
Day 18 - Yield to Me
Day 19 - Dance with Me
Day 20 - You are special
Day 21 - It takes 21 days to form a new habit...
Day 22 - How to Stop Procrastinating
Day 23 - Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness <3
Day 24 - Build with Me
Day 25 - Search thoroughly!
Day 26 - Learn some stretches to end writers cramp with Denise Cornish
Day 27 - Your first assignment
Day 28 - Will you make yourself available?
Day 29 - Treasure and Testimony Time
Day 30 - Invitation to our continued writers community
STEP 3 - Keep going!
I have been calling you to write your story...
How to write your book fast
What you can do to stay motivated
Invitation to the Great Exchange - Rewritten Life
Our book title
Fund your book
Write daily - join our "Balloon Ride With God" Writer's Retreat at noon EST!
STEP 4 - Publish and spread the word
Create an Amazon Author Central page
Be featured on "WRITE YOUR BOOK WITH GOD" YouTube Channel & Podcast
BONUS - Inspiring Author Interviews
Have you felt stuck writing your story?
No matter how hard it gets...
Overcome depression and trauma
Unexpected Blessings
From Loss to the Land of New Dreams
Finding Calm in the Midst of the Chaos